All courses can be offered via webinar or on site
Our Courses

Empowering Kids for Life
The Importance of Teaching Self-regulation
It is critical that children learn how to recognize and deal with their feelings/emotions as early as possible. Children with good self-regulation are less anxious, perform better academically, have healthier interpersonal relationships, resist impulses, are less distracted, and become more successful later in life.
This course covers the basics on why self-regulation is critical and provides a great framework with steps to teach children to control their feelings/emotions.
E.N.G.A.G.E.D. Reading
The right way to read to your children
Throughout many years of research I realized that it is not enough to simply teach children TO read – we must encourage them to ENJOY the reading experience in order to attain full comprehension. In order to do so we must explicitly show them HOW we can transform the reading experience into a fun and adventurous journey! The main goal of this course is to teach you the skills to TRANSFORM the time you spend reading with your children.
As most things in life, there is a correct and an incorrect way of reading to children. This is a comprehensive course on how parents should read to their children so that they learn how to ENJOY the experience of reading. In the course I will also cover the basic concepts about reading and the brain.

Learning how to L.E.A.R.N.
How to empower, stimulate, and nurture your child’s brain
Do you feel overwhelmed with the task of having to ‘prepare’ your child to the academic world? Do you wish that you had a better idea of how to do so in an effective way? After years of working with children of all ages we have developed a simple – yet powerful – framework (L.E.A.R.N.) that will give you the tools you need to excel at that.
This course introduces you to our L.E.A.R.N. framework and covers the 5 essential components a child needs to succeed not only academically but also socially. It gives you practical ideas on each one of the dimensions so that you can start making concrete changes right away.

The pre-school L.E.A.R.N. Program
Providing children with the foundation to create successful listening, emotional, athletic, reading and nutritional skills to maximize learning and academic success.

Food for Thought
The Gut-Brain Connection
Recent research has identified a powerful connection between brain and gut. These new findings are helping us understand how our diet impacts our attention, focus, emotions and moods. One of the first signs of a disconnect is a gut that is not functioning well. For instance, children who suffer from disorders such as dyslexia, ADHD, learning disabilities and autism spectrum often suffer from other more subtle signs of a poor functioning immune system.
This course explains the connection between our gut health and our brain health. It also explains how to take that relationship into consideration in order to design a successful intervention. Last, it shares best practices on how to strengthen the gut/immune system of children suffering from those disorders.
Click on the link below and schedule a free 15-minute consultation now!
The Key to Success
Embracing the growth mindset
Mindset is everything! Whether the child is struggling with algebra or going through tough times with his best friend, having the right mindset is key. A growth mindset sees failure as a springboard to success. Everyone faces setbacks, the key is on how you deal with them!
Based on the work of world-renowned psychologist Carol Dweck, this course explores how one’s mindset triggers and guides the ways of responding to everyday challenges and demands. It compares and contrasts the “fixed” vs. the “growth” mindsets, and provides you with tangible ways to help your child start cultivating a growth mindset for himself.

The Dos and Don’ts of Raising Successful Bilingual Children
If you are a bilingual parent, chances are that you have already asked yourself questions like the ones below:
- How do I teach more than one language to my child in the correct way?
- Is it normal for bilingual children to mix up the languages they know?
- Are bilingual children more likely to have speech delays?
- Am I hindering my child’s development by asking him to speak more than one language?
This course is a must for every parent raising a bilingual child. It exposes myths on the topic, provides a quick overview of how bilingual children learn, and gives you tools you can apply today to become a more effective bilingual parent
What every educator must know about the “at-risk brain”
The process of language development starts at the very first time a child hears someone speaking and continues throughout his life. When children first come to school (usually between 3-5 years), they bring with them a “language knowledge” that must be acknowledged and leveraged for learning. In order to be successful, educators must be equipped to effectively teach a diverse group of students how to read and to recognize the missteps that can hinder that goal.
This course exposes the audience to a quick introduction of the theory of language development, and then explains a number of practical and proven steps that will show them how to create opportunities for at-risk children to overcome their language gap and thus help them succeed academically!

The Impact of Bilingualism on Dyslexia
Dyslexia exists all over the world and it is the most common learning difference. However, dyslexia is often missed – or has a late diagnostic – in bilingual kids.
This presentation highlights some of the potential causes of late diagnostic in bilingual kids while explaining how educators and parents can avoid a late diagnose by showing them the signs they should look for while working with bilingual kids.